Tuesday, December 18, 2007
- Owl is an old nickname for
- the author of this blog
- featuring commentary and
- nature photography. He is a
- long-time peace activist
- residing in the Bangor, Maine area.
- Email owl at deepblade dot net
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- Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Thou Shall Not Mock Obama'...
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- Test post
- Prepping public for attack on Iran
- Yellow narrative: uranium, Wilson, and wingnuts
- Judge blocks Maine phone record contempt hearing
- War with Iran foregone conclusion?
- Iraq: biggest Middle East population displacement ...
- State of delusion
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- 29-Sep-05 handout (pdf)
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- Uppsala Group
- United States exports of
biological materials to Iraq:
Compromising the credibility
of international law
by Geoffrey Holland
(pdf format, 463kb download) - After Downing Street
- Behind the Invasion
- Brussells Tribunal
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- Evaluation of claims
- Waxman's Iraq on the record
- Tearing up the Rules
- War Profiteering
Bloggers Against Torture
Hits since 2004.12.19