Wednesday, May 26, 2004

"You give us hope"

Kucinich on fire at Maine Democratic State Convention

Dennis Kucinich "owned" the Maine Democratic State Convention on Saturday May 22. He entered the Convention entitled to zero delegates because he finished just shy of the 15% threshold in the February caucus. He goes to the National with six Maine delegates, including our own Scott R.! Here here for the tenacious post-caucus organizing done by Maine for Kucinich!!

The speech Dennis gave was astonishing. Everyone in the Cumberland County Civic Center in Portland was bowled over by his heart-felt, awesomely inspiring oratory. Many were crying. "You give us hope", was heard as Dennis left the hall.

Video of Dennis's entire 20-minute entrance, speech, and exit is available HERE.

Here is another short, 1-minute video clip that I shot myself with the Olympus digital camera:

...peace is inevitable...and we must challenge a White House that has led us into war, who has sold us the old lie that war is inevitable, and sold the American people the lie that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 911, which he did not. We must challenge this administration for lying to the American people to get us into a war against Iraq.

Because Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 911, with al Qaeda on 911, with the anthrax attacks upon this country. Iraq had neither the intention nor the capability of attacking the United States, they were not trying to get uranium from Niger, they did not have weapons of mass destruction

It was wrong to go in, it is wrong to stay in. It * is * time * to * bring them home! Bring them hoooooommmme,..., bring them home!
Besides Dennis Kucinich, one other fire burned brightly — the desire to defeat President Bush in the November election. The Democrats should be able to win big against President Bush on November 2. But...

Kerry less inspired or inspiring
The Kerry campaign in effect snubbed Maine Democrats by failing to send the candidate, a high campaign official, or even a family member to Maine on Saturday. They blew it.

Not very many heard John Kerry on Sunday morning when he finally made an audio-only appearance over the Civic Center media system. Most other delegates were milling around after their county caucuses at the time Kerry appeared.

According to a Bangor Daily News story , Kerry did focus his Sunday remarks on the Iraq war, "the unilateral bungling of which, he said, has compromised America's position as a world leader.

"'Working with other nations is not a sign of weakness, it's a sign of strength,' said Kerry, pictures of whom were displayed on giant screens at the Cumberland County Civic Center. 'We are going to mend those relationships'".

You know what, though? Every Kucinich supporter and every Dean supporter will work to elect Kerry. It's that important, despite Kerry's shortcomings.