Friday, August 13, 2004

I love the Daily Show

Jon Stewart and his people are really paying attention. Or maybe they read Kerry's Thursday 8/12 rapid response posting and took off from there.

At any rate, the comedy timing of Stewart's "sensitivity/sensitoughity" piece last night was impeccable. There were three quotes:

I believe I can fight a more effective, more thoughtful, more strategic, more proactive, more sensitive war on terror that reaches out to other nations and brings them to our side and lives up to American values in history.
--John Kerry at the Journalists of Color Unity Conference, August 5

A "sensitive war" will not destroy the evil men who killed 3,000 Americans and who seek the chemical, nuclear and biological weapons to kill hundreds of thousands more. The men who beheaded Daniel Pearl and Paul Johnson will not be impressed by our sensitivity.
--Vice President Dick Cheney, August 12

Then, after cutting to a Rob Cordry "report" on the US's careful-not-to-upset-Muslims "kicking ass and taking names" operation in Najaf, Stewart points out that, "Using such language, like 'sensitivity', suggests weakness, timidity, ... Frenchness, quite frankly. Dick Cheney was 100% right to assail anybody who would use that word in relation to our War on Terror. And just by point of contrast, the day after Kerry made his comment, Bush took on the exact same subject in a speech in front of the exact same group:
Now, in terms of the balance between running down intelligence and bringing people to justice obviously is -- we need to be very sensitive on that.
--President Bush at the Journalists of Color Unity Conference, August 6

Then Jon Stewart says something like, "Dude, I think the Vice President just called you a pussy". ROFL

All Republicans should take to heart what the Vice President's wife added, and just stay home in November, or vote for Ralph Nader:
Q Senator Kerry has made the statement that he would like to fight a more sensitive war on terror. What in the world he be thinking about there? What's your thoughts?

MRS. CHENEY: I just kind of shook my head when I heard that. With all due respect to the Senator, it just sounded so foolish. I can't imagine that al Qaeda is going to be impressed by sensitivity. (Laughter.)

But it did remind me of kind of this -- we've heard for a long time from the extreme left in this country, whenever it comes to a matter of our national interest, that somehow the problem is not with the people who are attacking us, the problem is with us. You've heard that. And it struck me as a kind of expression of that idea -- somehow the problem is not with the people who are attacking us, the problem is with us. If we'll just adjust our attitude seems to be the idea. We just do a little mental adjustment here, things will go well. Well, I think it just fits with what Dick is saying. This is kind of left-wing foolishness that certainly isn't appropriate for someone who would seek to be Commander-in-Chief. (Applause.)