Sunday, October 03, 2004

BBC: "Something very odd has happened"

The IMF/G7 meeting Washington has seen fit to call for fuel conservation, in their illustrious words, "sustainability and efficiency" -- amidst all of their puffing over how best to extend extreme neoliberal policies -- for example, open the protected Chinese currency to speculation, deny struggling people in poor countries debt relief, keep these same countries and their people wide open for foreign exploitation and easy repatriation of profits -- while destroying unions and our local manufacturing jobs in the process.

But the G7 finance ministers have recognized that, in the words of BBC North American business correspondent Steve Evans, "Something very odd has happened."

I heard that on the BBC radio program The World Today yesterday. He is talking about the run-up in the oil markets, and the ministers want to "find out why." In fact, the beeb reports that the oil issue "dominated the agenda."

Deep Blade Journal -- along with Mr. Gordon Brown, Chancellor of the Exchequer of the UK, International Monetary and Financial Committee Chairman, and possible Blair successor -- agrees that we must right now "look at the long-term sustainability of our use of energy." For the first time in memory, the G7 elites and Deep Blade are on the same page -- it is time to start conserving fuel.

Petroleum is becoming more expensive in both money and lives. Deep Blade will continue to cover the situation. Please continue reading the last post before this one, Finance ministers deeply rattled by oil situation, for a more detailed examination of the G7 oil statements.