Thursday, January 27, 2005

Oppose Gonzales the torturer

The full Senate will consider confirmation of the Attorney General nominee soon.

Please write to your senators to oppose this nominee. I have posted the letter I sent to mine here.

"And now we find in his written responses that he attempts to carve out exception to the prohibition on cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment on the false basis that non-citizens rounded up in the Terror War without evidence simply do not deserve any protection from the president’s maniacal techniques.

This is the sordid role of Alberto Gonzales. His hands are bloody. He oversaw an interdepartmental, self-serving re-writing of 790 years of civilization, then stood by and watched as thousands of detainees suffered the consequences. These episodes will sully the United States for all history. It truly amazes me that a scoundrel of this magnitude would receive even the slightest consideration for high office in the United States of America."