Friday, May 27, 2005

Friday garden blogging


There is less water standing than yesterday, but the situation is bad -- an entire week of rainy cold weather!

Yikes. Today is the 14th day in a row of cloudy/rainy weather. Yesterday was a doozy -- 2 inches out of the 4 inches we've had in 7 days fell between 6am and 6pm. (See the map, x marks the spot if you can make it out)

The result of all this rain was a flooded basement, including the offices of Deep Blade Journal, aka The Bat Cave. The ground, already saturated, couldn't take up the rapid rain load, so the water table rose above floor level and overwhelmed the sump. We had about 1/2 inch of water right under all the system power cables, so we went down about 2pm yesterday afternoon. I'm just now getting everything running again, after an entire day of swinging a mop.

A rainfall of 1/10 inch is predicted for tomorrow, and 1/10 to 1/4 inch for Sunday. If it doesn't come too fast, we'll be okay. But everything outside is so wet, that I'd guess 1/4 inch within two to four hours will drive in more water. The Bat Cave has been renamed Bat Springs.

All of the cables are off the floor now, and almost everything stored down here has been elevated. I have a pump running, a dehumidifier, and a fan. The heat is up as high as it goes. On the plus side, this place is clean now, after a thorough workover with a bleach solution. It's never been so clean down here.

Of course, all this sucks for the garden. The tomatoes did not even go in. If the pea and spinach seeds that were planted damped off in the dankness, they'll need to be replanted. (Even those guys may not be able to take this.) We'll see in a few days.

The lilac is way behind with this dreadful weather.