Thursday, September 29, 2005

PEAK OIL supporting links

Below are links to a selection of energy posts from Deep Blade Journal. Also included are some useful links to internet sources on peak oil and the politics of world energy resources recommended by Eric Olson during the Thursday program at the University of Maine, PEAK OIL: ARE ENERGY CRISES, MORE WARS, AND BREAKDOWN OF CAPITALISM COMING SOON?

At the top of this link list I want to put Daily Kos and European Tribune diarist Jerome a Paris, who I do recommend again in the list below. Jerome a Paris offers almost daily reports and analysis. TODAY PLEASE SEE HIS HURRICANE DAMAGE ASSESSMENT.

Selected Deep Blade Journal posts on energy and peak oil:

June 01, 2005: Headline: ``Permanent shortage of oil may loom''
This headline was over an AP release that graced page A6 of Tuesday's Bangor Daily News.

May 25, 2005: Protest crushed in Azerbaijan
Caspian oil pipeline unveiling...According to a piece at Ocnus.Net, US troops are already on the ground in Azerbaijan. And there are more to come, it's just a matter of when...

May 17, 2005: 500 killed by Uzbek regime
President Bush: ``All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you.'' (January 20, 2005)

April 27, 2005: Bush uses deceit in energy message
President wrongly implies his legislation means the US will be able to forgo foreign oil; nuke proposals come on strong

April 26, 2005: The good news front on Saudi oil
Bush has a sitdown with Crown Prince Abdullah

April 23, 2005: $380 oil?
The fallacy here is that because the factor by which oil consumption tracks economic growth and the %-mix of primary energy sources in various sectors has changed over the years, ``oil is not as indispensable.''

April 19, 2005: Rumsfeld made hushed trip to Azerbaijan
It is about oil

March 17, 2005: Internal war for Iraq's oil
New Greg Palast story based in part on USAID Iraq contract language that Deep Blade Journal first cited 16 months ago.

March 12, 2005: OPEC minister repeats oil limit warning
Algerian minister echoes sentiment he expressed last August

February 24, 2005: Oil price trajectory
Hyperbolic price swings with huge upward bias portend threats to our future security....NOTE: This extensive item contains many references back to Deep Blade posts during 2004.

February 24, 2005: Worker rights in Iraq
A little known policy of the US occupation affirmed Saddam-era prohibitions on trade union organizing

Selected 2004 posts
Here is a list of Deep Blade Journal posts on oil, peak oil, and the failure of energy issues to make it into the presidential campaign from Fall 2004:

Campaigns fail on energy

Oil price rocket

World oil peak now?

Bush has post-oil-peak plan

Another day, another oil dollar

Veep debate lacked energy

Over pulling sour crude

BBC: "Something very odd has happened"

Finance ministers deeply rattled by oil situation: Oil dominates agenda at G7 meeting in Washington, DC; communiqué includes recommendation to conserve fuel

Posts in original blog, November 22, 2003 to May 1, 2004. Only some of the links within these posts will still work. Below are descriptions of a few of the many topics found there.

1 May 2004: Secure and Plentiful?
Discussion and sources on Saudi oil reserves

6 March 2004: Oil depletion a myth?
Peak oil skeptics

26 February 2004: New York Times highlights depletion of Saudi oil
Story on important event with Saudi Aramco officials and Matthew Simmons at CSIS.

1 February 2004: Bush insider issues wake-up calls on oil/gas depletion
Original Deep Blade post on Matthew Simmons

30 January 2004: Iraq casus belli, John Kerry, and the energy future
Senator John F. Kerry in his victory speech after the New Hampshire primary: ``Stand with us - and we will give America the security of energy independence, because our sons and daughters should never have to fight and die for Mideast oil.''

22 November 2003: Nuclear automobile is in President Bush's energy vision
The president's so-called Freedom CAR program to build hydrogen-fueled cars receives its full appropriation in the Energy Bill. But this begs the question - Where does the president think the hydrogen for these vehicles will come from ??? ... The answer to this question becomes crystal clear in the current version of the Energy Bill. The bill directs the Department of Energy (DOE) to build a new nuclear reactor in Idaho in order to develop an experimental hydrogen production process along with some other supposed environmental benefits. (Indeed, the Energy Bill finally passed this summer, loaded with special fossil energy subsidies, big utility benefits, AND that now $1.5 billion reactor.)

Here are a other excellent peak oil and energy analysis sites:

Association for the Study of Peak Oil&Gas (ASPO)
The essential peak oil site...Euopean scientists crying in the wilderness. The ``2004 Scenario'' graph comes from this site. The Newsletter (available here) is required monthly reading.

Matt Savinar:
This is a very self-assured peak oil site with a great deal of very good documentation. The notion that ``technology'' will not save us from the downward spiral of peak oil is elucidated here like nowhere else.

Oil Depletion Analysis Centre

BLOG: The Oil Drum
Vigorous ongoing discussion of oil resource models, industry politics, and everything else affecting world energy supplies -- frequented by industry insiders

KOS Diarist: Jerome a Paris
Absolutely my FAVORITE energy analyst on the internet. Jerome is an insider. He knows a great deal about energy economics and industry practices and is very willing to share. This is first-rate analysis delivered on a daily basis by Kos and also European Tribune. Especially see Jerome's series from last spring on Control of Oil.

See also Deep Blade Journal's HYDROCARBON link set well down on the left-side column.

Finally, this is just a very abbreviated selection of reports and major newspaper stories on oil that have appeared recently or in the last couple of years:

March 2004: PUBLIC CITIZEN report (pdf)
Mergers, Manipulation and Mirages: How Oil Companies Keep Gasoline Prices High, and Why the Energy Bill Doesn’t Help
Report on oil company monopoly practices

September 1, 2005: New Study Finds Oil Company Profiteering Behind Gasoline Price Spikes from California finds more monopoly practices.

Economist oil series

August 12, 2005: Oil Rises to Record $67.10
Nothing really special here, except that alarming stories similar to this are now in regular news on nearly a daily basis.

August 21, 2005: New York Times Magazine: The Breaking Point

August 20, 2005: New York Times: Editorial, The Oil Effect
``Just when it was starting to seem as if consumers were really shaking off high energy prices, Wal-Mart announced this week that its profits stumbled in the second quarter, rising at their slowest rate in four years. Forced to choose between their closets and their gasoline tanks, Americans unsurprisingly chose their tanks.''

July 15, 2005: BBC: How much oil do we really have?
"Oil market data is generally a black art like using a set of chicken bones," says Paul Horsnell of Barclays Capital. "If Columbus had thought he'd hit India when in fact he was in the Caribbean, that's about the level of oil market data."

July 31, 2005: It's Not the End Of the Oil Age
Technology and Higher Prices Drive a Supply Buildup; By Daniel Yergin, Washington Post
Don't worry... ``We're not running out of oil. Not yet.''

June 21, 2005: Oil & Liquids Capacity to Outstrip Demand Until At Least 2010: New CERA Report
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., ``Despite current fears that oil will soon `run out', global oil production capacity is actually set to increase dramatically over the rest of this decade, according to a new report by Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA). As a result, supply could exceed demand by as much as 6 to 7.5 million barrels per day (mbd) later in the decade, a marked contrast to the razor-sharp balance between strong demand growth and tight supply that is currently reflected in high oil prices hovering around $60 a barrel.''

August 2, 2005: Oil Depletion? It's All In The Assumptions
In Brief: Ron Cooke, author of 'Oil, Jihad and Destiny' examines Daniel Yergin's Cambridge Energy Research Associates(CERA) report 'Worldwide Liquids Capacity Outlook To 2010— Tight Supply Or Excess Of Riches' He shows that it is based on numerous assumptions that can not neccessarily be counted on in reality and contrasts CERA's view with a number of more skeptical opinions from within the industry....Good News: In good news for the SUV set, Daniel Yergin's Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA), is predicting we will soon be awash in light, sweet crude - ideal for making gasoline.

I'll end for now with these, as the last few of links illustrate the range of debate on world oil -- about which truly reliable data is sorely lacking...