Sunday, July 09, 2006

Stuart Acuff

Fired-up union speech!

AFL-CIO organizer Stuart Acuff gave this fiery oratory to a crowd at the 2006 4th July Solidarity Celebration, Eastern Maine Labor Council, Brewer, Maine. You'll just have to listen to it to get the full effect!

``...lies like none of us have expected since Richard Nixon...
they lied to get us into an un-necessary war,
they lied about torture,
they lied about extraordinary renditions,
and they have lied to deface and defame the honor of the United States of America...

``Bush trade policy has cost us 3 million good manufacturing jobs.''

--Stuart Acuff

This 10-minute video is slightly edited to fit in YouTube. For a downloadable audio-only mp3 podcast of the full 12-minute Stuart Acuff speech, please visit here.