Friday, August 11, 2006

Terror plot drumbeat in Canada

CBC outlet for aviation mongering

This morning we find ourselves somewhere in the middle of Ontario. At the motel last night, on the CBC National program the normally stayed Peter Mansbridge was electric with news of the UK "liquid explosives against airplanes" terror plot roll-up.

Red Alert! Red Alert! Women, dump your pocketbooks of your "$80 worth of make-up" before you can board. I wish I had the tape to do some screen grabs. The reporting was all terror, and no political analysis.

For such analysis, I will point to Kurt Nimmo, who I think has it just about right: Fake Terror Obfuscates Lebanon and Iraq Failures:

Finally, as attention has now shifted to Muslim bad guys (either imagined or a parade of patsies), Israel will likely increase the severity of its criminal behavior against the civilians of Lebanon and those of Gaza as well, as the American public will be navel gazing video footage of inconvenienced air travel passengers.
And don't we have Congressional elections or something happening in the fall? I noted yesterday that NY Times quoted Vice President Cheney on the recent victory of Iraq withdrawl proponent Ned Lamont in the Connecticut Senate primary, ``Vice President Dick Cheney, who went so far as to suggest that the ouster of Mr. Lieberman might encourage 'al Qaeda types.'''

Today, Lieberman himself had this to say,
If we just pick up like Ned Lamont wants us to do, get out by a date certain, it will be taken as a tremendous victory by the same people who wanted to blow up these planes in this plot hatched in England.
The War Party sees the panic button as the path to squashing political interference from the American people.