Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Avedon at Eschaton

Because I read the Eschaton blog in a feed reader, I did not notice until now that one of my recent readers & commenters was a guest blogger over there for a few days. Good work, Avedon!

Now Avedon's post I referred to has become a sort of weird controversy. I have little to say about this, except that I will mention that on 9/11/2001, I was fast asleep in Westbrook, Maine at the moment Atta checked in at the Portland Jetport about two miles away. Still gives me the creeps.

Anyone catch this Chris Matthews thing on what Atta was doing in Portland on 9/10/2001?

Update: Make sure to visit Avedon Carol's blog, The Sideshow. This post addresses the ``idiot'' Brendan Nyhan. More important, we are implored to write our reps. so that Arlen Spector's bill granting Bush dictatorial powers be stopped.