Friday, July 16, 2004

It is so sad, but...

I burst LOL at the computer earlier this evening. This was a headline on Google News: US Insists Iraq Coalition Still Strong. And who does Scott McClellan cite as the willing US partners in Iraq that show this international strength after withdrawal of The Phillipines? Mongolia and El Salvador!
Yeah, right Scott. This sucker is in big, big trouble. The puppet government led by a CIA asset has little legitimacy amongst Iraqis. Allawi's crackdown, featuring talk of martial law measures, curfews, and deadly sweeping raids is greeted in kind by huge bombings right in the throat of the Green Zone.
I'll sure be glad in January when the Democrats take office with their strong Kucinich-backed US withdrawal plan...ooops, Dennis threw in the towel on the platform--Kerry would continue the bleeding and ripping apart of American and Iraqi families.