Thursday, September 09, 2004

Edwards in Maine

Democratic candidate for vice president rallies 6800 in Orono

Wednesday's 5pm rally around the Fogler Library steps and University of Maine mall drew an excellent crowd. We required nearly 20 minutes to snake around in the very long line to the entrance gate. After we got in, we were sort of in the middle of the sea, but we could see just enough over all of the heads.

Author and beloved Bangor Democrat Stephen King warmed up the crowd with Governor John Baldacci by his side, railing on the "most dangerous and unpleasant bunch" to occupy the Whitehouse since the Nixon administration.

King: "I want you to go back and find one uncommitted voter. And I want you to sit down with that man or that woman. And talk to them about John Kerry and John Edwards...."

mpeg video clip of Stephen King (1/2 megabit broadband required to stream)

With the crowd pumped, the senator from North Carolina came out directly.

John Edwards got a big cheer for taking off the jacket on a cloudy, muggy, slightly tropical afternoon.

Senator Edwards made a bit of news right off, as he had been chosen to rebut Vice President Cheney's Terror War provocation issued Tuesday in Iowa (see previous post).

Edwards: "George Bush and Dick Cheney [said] to the American people [that] if America is hit by another terrorist attack, it's the fault of the American people. This statement was calculated to divide us about an issue of the safety and security of the American's un-American, is what it is....George Bush came into office saying he was going to unite this country, not divide it – saying he was going to restore honor and dignity to the Whitehouse. So he was asked today by a reporter about what Dick Cheney had said. His response was to stare back at the reporter and say nothing".

An excellent quote, to be sure, though few news organizations picked up much of it, usually only the "calculated to divide" part. Well, good response nonetheless.

I am now a bit happier with the way Kerry and Edwards have increased criticism of the cost in lives, cost in treasure, and Bush mismanagement of the war in Iraq. Pointing out how far $200 billion of war funds would go towards fixing the health care mess and other domestic security priorities is right on in my estimation. Why did it take so long?

Edwards: "The problem is $200 billion and counting....At the same time, so many things that are important in the lives of the American people are not taking place. But $200 billion and counting in Iraq. These things are completely connected".

Still, I'd like to know what he means by "committed to success in Iraq". What, we take down all opposition, run a sham election, put in a puppet government, control the oil, and place military bases in the manner the current Pentagon envisions "success"? Well, I guess I have to support for the moment the "fresh start" idea, though I see many, many reasons the months after the election will be very painful for everyone invloved because of the war crimes on which the conquest of Iraq is based, not least the Iraqi people.

mpeg video clip of John Edwards (1/2 megabit broadband required to stream)

After staying overnight in Bangor, Edwards surprised working class diners at Dysarts, a truck stop along I-95 just south of town.