Saturday, September 18, 2004

Please donate to Deep Blade Journal

Deep Blade began in February 2003 during the run-up to the Iraq conquest. It is written by Eric T. Olson aka Deep Blade, a long-time peace and justice activist living in the Bangor, Maine area.

The blog site dates to August 21, 2003 when it was initiated at New postings moved to Blogger in May 2004. The archives will remain for a few more months.

Significant postings in the "old blog" include the entire saga of the proposed -- then indefinitely postponed -- University of Maine School of Business, US-Iraq Business Alliance conference; and the Energy/hydrocarbon depletion thread.

With all this history of great research & information and edgy opinion posted, I feel it is time to ask people who benefit from this blog for a small donation. An amount like $2 or $5 from a few of the approximately 100 readers I get per day would really help out and inspire me to dig deeper and put up more great stuff.

My expenses are very low. Right now we pay for hosting of two sites, and (an excellent food-related website). We buy plenty of bandwidth for about $12 per month. Our major expense is equipment. We've lucked out in 2004, having no major drive or motherboard meltdowns like we did in 2003. Any donations will first go towards defraying hosting expenses, then to an equipment replacement fund, as this string of luck is unlikely to continue forever. Right now I can forsee the need for at least one new monitor in the coming months.

Help from readers for these purposes will be greeted with immense gratitude from both of us at and We both toil in a low-income world of contingent labor (freelance editing & writing and part-time teaching). Even a little bit of support for the good things we try to bring you would not only be flattering, but would really help us bring you more.

Using PayPal to donate is easy. Please just click the PayPal/Donate button in the left-side pane to initiate a donation. The best thing for you to use is your own PayPal account. They are really handy for small transactions, believe me. So open one if you don't already have one. The PayPal site provides complete explanation/instructions. Otherwise, you can also use a credit card to send us your donation through PayPal by clicking through the appropriate link.

Thank you in advance so very, very much!!