Thursday, October 21, 2004

All okay today

The US presidential campaign is a sham of misdirected attention and failure of engagement on critical issues; America is directing a campaign of mayhem in Iraq; the US puppet government in Haiti is collaborating with a UN force to harass, shoot, arrest, and destroy a pro-democracy movement (mainstream news is totally unreliable for learning anything about this); and oil is peaking around $55 per barrel while the presidential campaign seems oblivious.

But for just a short while, please let me celebrate with all the Red Sox partisans up here in New England. Let us savor the moment!

The Red Sox beat the Yankees!!

I love this photo that ran above the fold in the Bangor Daily News this morning, partly because two players I greatly admire who once were members of my hometown Minnesota Twins are featured in the photo. One is ace defensive infielder Dougie Mientkiewicz, the other is SeƱor Octubre aka David Ortiz. Oritz destroyed the Yankees with two consecutive walk-off hits in games 4 and 5 of the 7-game series, 3 home runs and 11 rbis. Go home Yankees and your a-rod -- it's gonna be a long, cold winter for you! Good Luck to the Sox in the World Series.