Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Greatest Canadian is socialist Tommy Douglas

Canadians choose force behind their Medicare system as greatest

During his 42 years in politics, Tommy Douglas was largely responsible for establishment of central banking, old age pensions, unemployment insurance, and universal Medicare.

Tommy Douglas (1904–1986) was chosen in mass voting sponsored by the CBC to be the Greatest Canadian. The competition was rough, including hockey great Wayne Gretzky and the late inspirational folk hero Terry Fox. Fox came in second. Click here to read all about the finalists and the months-long series of programs leading up to last night's final selection.

As President Bush visits Ottawa today, he should take note of the message ordinary Canadians have sent through this selection. First, public social benefits make for a strong country, even one in the shadow of a behemoth. It is asinine for a conservative even to suggest Canadians would prefer our health-care-for-the-rich system over their own. Also, all of the finalists in this process represented some sort of caring, inspiration, betterment of mass politics, and/or "going against the grain" of conventional wisdom or entrenched interests.

We appreciate the fine opportunity we have here in Bangor, Maine to watch Canadian television (CBC). It can be very refreshing. Thanks to Adelphia for providing it over the last 1 1/2 or so years.