Friday, August 12, 2005

Haiti truth: US-sponsored death squads

NPR carries pack of lies in Sunday report; Flashpoints tells the truth Thursday


All Things Considered, August 7, 2005 ยท Haiti Races to Prepare for Fall Elections by Michael Kavanagh; Elections in Haiti are less than three months away and Haitians are beginning to register in large numbers. But it's still unclear if the country -- or the candidates -- will be ready on time.
Thursday, August 11, 2005; Today on Flashpoints: A series of massacres by Haitian death squad police leave dozens wounded and dead, including a pregnant woman and a teenager.
I don't have time to transcribe these, so you'll just have to listen to and compare what is said in each. The depth of mainstream media lying about Haiti, when they bother to mention anything at all -- including on ``liberal'' NPR -- is staggering. NPR adopts the ``gang'' motif in describing the majority Lavalas party, while ignoring the butchery that is currently going on. At one point in the NPR story, Fr. Gerard Jean-Juste -- again imprisoned on trumped-up charges -- is described as ``ultra-radical''. NPR fails to report any of the facts of his arrest, or make any connections to the political situation. Outrageously sickening...