Friday, September 30, 2005

Friday garden blogging

Season is getting later...

But lots of Sweet 100s left

Can anyone id this shrub? It's my favorite...

Last year the shrub in the second picture above was much farther along is its annual color change on approximately October 1. The comment has been heard around here that it just hasn't seemed like cold weather is coming yet. Okay, it's supposed to go down to about 37 F (3 C) tonight. But then we're supposed to get upper 60s and low 70s during the day and 40s at night for the next week.

Aside from yesterday's very strong 90 km/hr winds (more impressive in metric), the weather has been downright civilized. It better stay that way seeing how heating oil is pushing up towards $3.00 per US gallon. The Bangor Daily News headline this morning was ``Maine braces for fuel shortfall''.