Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Censure motion against lawbreaker Bush

The most interesting thing about Wisconsin US Senator Russ Feingold's Censure Resolution against President Bush for illegal warrantless wiretapping is the way it injects a dose of political reality into a media atmosphere smothered by its own nearly unshakable delusions. A large swath of the public has become sensitized and now rejects the criminality of President Bush and his administration. But usually you wouldn't hear that perspective in mainstream reporting.

Feingold's Censure Resolution would seem to be an anemic move given the colossal transgressions of Bush. Of course I agree totally with impeachment efforts (thanks for links, Francis) Rep. John Conyers and the Center for Constitutional Rights are now promoting. But now with Feingold out there, a pretty good sized spasm of coverage for the case against Bush for lawbreaking is out there. In this environment, even a little thing like censure is such a massive departure from the consensus narrative that it echoes everywhere like an explosion.

Even so, there is a great deal of work left to do. The explosion will not last long. The push-back coverage is abundant today--``Feingold Draws Little Support for Censure''. While Frist wants to wash Feingold with a bucket of ``we're at war'' nonsense, support for censure even from Feingold's own Democrat Party is ``tepid''. So, yes, this move will probably not stay out front just now. But it is a move in a healthy direction to have it there at all. Thank you, Russ Feingold.

Follow the story/watch the video:
1. Initial interview on ABC This Week
2. Democracy Now! piece, including Senate floor statement
3. Russ Feingold is a solid guy, can hold his own in a hostile interview.