Reps not "yeas" on destruction of Lebanon
I mentioned the lock-step resolution supporting Israel in its destruction of Lebanon in the last post. Here are the paltry 22 who did not cast a vote in favor of it:
Abercrombie, Conyers, Dingell, Kilpatrick (MI), McDermott, Paul, Rahall, Stark
Kaptur, Kucinich, Lee, Waters
Davis (FL); Davis, Jo Ann; Duncan; Evans; Fortenberry; McKinney; Northup; Nussle; Sanchez, Loretta; Westmoreland
I suppose some of them, like Dennis Kucinich, wanted to vote ``present'' because they did not want to come off like rocket attacks on Israel were okay. The Michigan reps.--Conyers, Dingell, Kilpatrick (MI) -- represent many voters of Arab and Middle Eastern descent. McDermott and Paul are solidly anti-war. It takes some courage in Washington to step out of the Israel lock step.