Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Urge Congress on cease fire

This seems reasonable

U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich from Ohio has submitted a resolution calling for ``immediate cessation'' of the devastating bombing in the Middle East. Of course, this rightly includes the far-less destructive rocket attacks on Israel.

I think this is dead-in-the-water, given the locked-in nature of US support for Israel in both parties in the Congress. But at least let them know you care that a berserk Middle East superpower firing US-made bombs and killing hundreds of innocents hardly can be, as Condoleezza Rice would have you believe, the ``birth pangs'' of democracy and advancement of a long-term ``peace process''.

Here is the letter I just wrote about the Kucinich resolution to my own Rep.

To: The Honorable Mike Michaud, U.S. House of Representatives
RE: H. CON. RES. 450; the situation in the Middle East

Dear Mike:

I urge you to support H. CON. RES. 450, calling upon the President to appeal to all sides in the current crisis in the Middle East for an immediate cessation of violence and to commit United States diplomats to multi-party negotiations with no preconditions.

I would also like to mention that I was disappointed to see your name in the “yeas” on H. Res. 921 supporting Israel’s wanton destruction of Lebanon with US-made bombs. I’ll reserve discussion here, but if you have interest in learning about the flaws in this license for Israel to break international law, please read this article: “Congress and the Israeli Attack on Lebanon: A Critical Reading” by Stephen Zunes [http://www.fpif.org/fpiftxt/3381].