Saturday, November 06, 2004

Ohio stolen?

Greg Palast thinks so; cs watched an Ohio polling place that did not live up to the media image of crushing lines

Fellow blogger and Ohio resident cs, a good friend of Deep Blade Journal, has put up an extensive post describing many troubling facets of last Tuesday's vote in that state. It's full of personal insights and voluminous references.

I believe that the major point here is not that the 2004 election is tainted with illegitimacy in the same manner as the 2000 election, but that the US election infrastructure and process is severely broken in many places and swaths of the population are stealthily denied their civil rights. The lesson is for the future now, not the present. It is shameful, given the 2000 debacle, that demands for fixing these flaws are not heard 100-fold louder. We have no one to blame but ourselves if we allow this to continue into the future.

The major national media will present a coronation story that will follow Bush through inauguration. It is our responsibility to oppose Bush's lies about everything from the horrific death and destruction he is visiting upon Iraq to the dismantling of social security he is proposing.