Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Whacked upside the head

Strange. After months of doubt, on the last day I finally felt like Bush was gonna be out of here.

There is no doubt I wanted Kerry to win. Am I right about the "unimaginable horrors" a second Bush term will bring? I don't know, we'll see. The prospect had gripped me with fear. I guess I was just like practically every one else in this election – all of us voting our fears, whether it be fear of terrorism, gay marriage, liberalism, environmental destruction, the Patriot Act, or a million other things to be afraid of.

If you ask what depresses me most, it is that Bush has been ratified by the American people with a majority of the popular vote. This is terribly sad. Are the people who see President Bush as a strong, consistent, decisive leader of high moral values just deluded? After all, the record of duplicity and lies from his administration along with the destructive war these lies incited are in front of everybody's face.

So I think yes, a lot of Bush enthusiasts are not paying attention to reality. And their fervor shows marks of a protofascism. Bush plays to emotions and uses people's emotions to lie to them.

The Republicans just out did the Democrats in every way. Anybody But Bush (ABB) -- while a defensible position -- was far from the best tack those interested in removing the Chimperor could have taken. When Nader announced in February, I wrote:

Kerry is dragging so much baggage, was another big NAFTA supporter, and is so sullied by apostasy to the anti-war cause that every respectable campaigner should take a long hard look at this limp noodle, telcomm-industry-connected insider before leaping to support him on an "anybody but Bush" theory.

The theory itself—that Kerry is the best carrier of "anybody but Bush" — may be wrong. Steve Perry at Bush Wars is a very perceptive guy. Those in this crowd should have a look at this and evaluate your thinking.

Perry hits the nail. Fevered Democrats flocked to Dean because he mussed on Bush a little, now to Kerry because he supposedly looks more "electable". They are deluded. The National Guard thing may end up working in Bush's favor as the delusional crowd was pulled by magnetism to what they saw as a "chest full of medals" — but who is really the limpest noodle — at exactly the wrong time.
Now we'll have to deal with it.