Tuesday, February 15, 2005

February 15, 2003: International day of protest

To stop the war on Iraq, 11 million in the streets in the manner of February 15, 2003 must be there every day. I want to believe it is possible.

500 march in -20 Celsius temperature, Bangor, Maine, 2/15/2003

Rally in front of the Margaret Chase Smith Federal Building, Bangor, 2/15/2003

Another rally scene

The protests on February 15, 2003 did not fail, on that day. Protests since have failed because they quit too soon. If millions mobilized as a constant presence, the cloak of lies would eventually lift. The truth of the betrayal of our troops, of the Iraqi people, and of every principle America should stand for by George W. Bush and his henchmen would have to emerge. None of us, myself included, have shown enough courage yet to make that happen.

It is sad to say that the world has gotten use to the American war on Iraq. There is no intention for Bush to let go of the country. Lies! They are propaganda experts to and have paid little cost for their crimes. How can we change this?