Thursday, October 06, 2005

Panic button, panic button

Investigation trouble? Falling ratings? Push it!

Mayor Bloomberg: ``specific threat'' to New York subways

I did not listen to much news today before posting that last piece on Bush equating the Terror War with the Cold War. Indeed there were some accompanying fright-producers!

USA TODAY: Police bolstered security on New York City's subways Thursday after receiving a threat that the mass transit system could be the target of a terrorist attack in coming days.

``We have never had before a specific threat to our subway system,'' Mayor Michael Bloomberg said at a news conference. ``It was more specific as to target. It was more specific as to timing.''
Russ Knocke, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security, cast doubt on the threat. He said the agency ``received intelligence information regarding a specific but non-credible threat to the New York subway system in recent days. The intelligence community found it to be of doubtful credibility.''

Police Commissioner Ray Kelly asked the public to be vigilant and said that the police presence will be increased in and around subway stations and on ferries and buses. Police will pay particular attention to baby strollers, briefcases and other containers, Kelly said. The city's security alert level remained at orange, the second-highest.
We've got vigilance, we've got color levels. Would it take an actual incident to distract the public from ``ongoing'' investigations of the Republicans and boost Mr. Bush's ratings?